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We dream of things that never were and ask  Why Not?

There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask  Why?

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Sent to the UN, major international child rights organisations & institutions....

It has been called ‘biophilia’ when  human children naturally empathetically connect with a sentient animal. The child can suffer psychological disturbance when seeing violence inflicted on this animal. In many countries the human adults have adopted violent traditions & practices which the children cannot avoid experiencing. But no-one listens to the children. No-one sees their tears.

But beginning in North Africa & Eastern Europe, under Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children are being told that their voices can be heard. This video exemplifies the violence inflicted on animals within multiple societies & brings the words of the children about this issue before a wider audience for the first time. 

We would simply ask all child protection individuals &  agencies to please watch the video & hear the words of the children.

​We cannot…must not… have to go back to the children & say ‘No-one is listening !’


Published 22 July 2024

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There are many who will only express concerns about animals & fail to see the connections & effects on children who experience violence against fellow sentient beings including animals.


With the UN recognising this direct interface, protection of animals is elevated to a new level. To have the United Nations guiding nations to protect animals to protect children is the crossing of a mighty bridge between the animal world & the human world.


This has never been done before. In this surreal domain we are pleased to announce that the European Link Coalition has an Ambassador who will work together to ensure that nations recognise their obligations to protect children & animals.         


His name is Dr Rinchen Chophel.

He is Vice Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.


Published 22 May 2024

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Tomorrow Arrived Today!

Throughout time Mankind has created divisions — divisions of colour, nationality, religion and species: divisions which have caused conflict… embrace one but bring violence to the other.

Now a mighty barrier has been removed by the most powerful authority on earth. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is now guided by the words: “Protect the child from all forms of violence including violence inflicted on an animal."


What does this mean?

  • This means that every nation is under a strict and binding obligation to address and prevent any tradition or practice which involves violence against an animal which could be seen by a child!

  • No child can be taken trophy hunting!

  • Authorities must stop killing homeless animals.

  • Children cannot attend animal sacrifice festivals.

  • No child can participate or spectate in bullfighting.

  • Laws must be created to protect children from violence against animals in their home!

What the child doesn’t see, the child doesn’t learn.

And what the child doesn’t learn, the child doesn’t do.


Published 21 May 2024

We now have the most powerful animal protection initiative that the world has ever seen. EVERY NGO in the world can challenge EVERY government in the world about EVERY animal in the world which is subjected to violent abuse in the presence of EVERY child in the world.  Under the rationale of each countries declared compliance with internationally agreed 'legal binding' Human Rights Charters of the United Nations,  the words have changed from ' 'Complain' or' Request' … 'Demand'    We need now to inform organisations & authorities of the immense new powers which they have been given... and to identify those with the vision to bring these powers into action.


Countries where bullfighting takes place can be required to prevent the attendance & participation of children in compliance with a UN Human Rights Charter. 
Countries which seek to manage homeless animal populations with violent practices are now under a strict obligation to cease such practises in compliance with a UN Humnan Rights Charter. 
In countries where children are encouraged to practise the killing of animals to collect body parts for trophies, this practice must now cease in compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Children can no longer attend religious festivals which involve violence inflicted on animals. Children can no longer be involved in the Cat & Dog Meat Trade. The power has now been given to those who would challenge governments about violence inflicted on animals. The possibility for change is immense. 
International NGO’s can now change the world ! 


American politician Kristi Noem has flaunted her disregard for the United Nations’ Right of the Child not to be exposed to violence against an animal.


Speaking at a rally of the National Rifle Association, she said she was proud that her small granddaughter was already familiar with guns and hunting.

Clearly she is ignorant of the fact that she is eroding the innate empathy with which her grandchild was born (as we all are) and which is vital for the peaceful cohesion of human societies. 


She also admitted shooting her puppy because it was ‘untrainable’.



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